Sunday, 4 August 2013

Be sincere to your Dreams!... But not to your life!...

 From my childhood to this " NOW"....
I was sincere to my life... But
not always to mY dREAMS.....

That's the difference between my dreams and my life....
The scene has got changed but NOW....
I pursue mY dREAMS now, and I am totally ignorant about my life....
 From nowhere to nowhere as I wander...
In the midst of all my emotional tragedies....
I celebrate every moment when iam alone....
Going to my shadowed past, I find a beating locker....
With a rock or high carbon steel it was made....
However, molten red fluid flow inside it....
Half of that was sent to purify at the holy temple....
The temple already carved with MALBORO and KENT..
Yeah you are right....
My blood is still haunted by the gift of guilty.....
Sometimes even that felt cool.....

Let's open the neck of Champagne bottle....
And feel the vigorous white sparkling wine inside you.....
I still remember those days....
After every party, I had in my life....
As the guests leaves the hall of fame....
I probe into the hollowness of the Champagne bottle.....
When the poison spreads through my blood... I am set free....
Free from all the burden that I bore till that "NOW" ....
Where the hell she has gone from my life... My pretty Girl....
Who refilled the golden glass with wine....
Who prompted every single dialogue of my Drama....
Hiding behind the Mask , she ran off with her Dreams....

This is all that I learnt from my f**king past....
When we start living our life, we may forget to pursue our dREAMS...
Remember dREAMS are beautiful than our Life .,..
So be sincere to your dREAMS.... But not to your life......

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